How To Gain Weight With A High Metabolism?

Gaining weight is slow for most of the person (Most people you know are probably struggling more with losing weight than gaining it.) – But it can be more effortful if you have a high metabolism. Recent studies show that the global prevalence of pediatric underweight and overweight is about 8% pediatric underweight compared to pediatric overweight which stood at about 5%. For most with high metabolism the question remains is – How To Gain Weight With A High Metabolism?

Weight gain comes off when you eat extra calories than you need for your one day’s requirement. Your calorie intake is the outcome of eating food, and a healthy diet typically balances your needs, requirement, and energy consumption against your calorie expenditure.

Weight gain appears when the calorie intake is higher than maintenance.

How To Gain Weight With High Metabolism

Who needs to gain weight?

Anyone with a body mass index (BMI) of below 18.5 is considered underweight. This means is being underweight, body mass cannot sustain optimal health. This is not an appropriate method of determining that anyone is underweight. Some people appear to be skinny but are still very healthy.

Risk of being Underweight

Poor immunity

-Feeling constantly tired

-Bones become fragile

-Developmental detail

-Age-related muscle wasting

Also Read: Top 10 Tips For Gaining Lean Muscles

Here we are discussing how to gain weight with a high metabolism? – How to get more calories, gain good weight, and build muscle the healthy way.

How to gain weight with a high metabolism especially when your metabolic rate is higher than average with this, in modern times where people are so sensitive about their bodies (being skinny or underweight or obese). Then they have to eat additional calories than mankind just to maintain their weight. If someone is more functional on their active job or practice sports frequently, putting on kilograms or pounds can become extremely challenging. To gain weight, even with your extraordinary calorie burn or high metabolism, make eating high-calorie with calorie-dense foods a daily habit along with engaging yourself in strength training regularly and also the quality of rest that you provide to your body it’s also matters in gain weight with high metabolic rate.  

Each will play a meaningful role in your weight gain journey, and that’s why we will take a deeper look at every category. Your dietary pattern should contain specific weight-boosting compositions that include:

Extra Calories: The first step is to talk with your Nutritionist or a Dietitian about why you want to gain weight. They can help you assess if you must do so, then they made a plan for you to approach the process safely. This takes the highest priority-mainly because it is one of the most effective ways to gain weight fast with a high metabolism. After all, your Nutritionist or Dietitian will well know your body requires a particular number of calories to go about the daily requirement. This figure varies in men and women and can be calculated using a calorie consumption calculator to gain weight.

Once you know just how many calories you burn, try to increase your intake to an extra 300-500 calories per day. The ideal calorie intake for weight gain depends on several things, including your height, current weight, and activity level. You should, however, take caution to consume nutrient-dense high calorie foods rather than “junk food”. Remember you want to gain weight more from your muscle weight, not fats. Sure, taking a lot of fatty and sugary highly processed foods may speed up the process, but it will do more harm than good in the long term.

Eat More Often: Try eating several smaller meals throughout the day rather than three large ones. These will an effective way to get that calorie surplus without feeling overly full, for both genders. With the high metabolic rates, you find it more difficult to eat in mass due to less appetite. Having small and frequent meals is an ideal solution to reach your caloric goals even with a less appetite. Plus,eating smaller portions can help regulate your blood sugar control.

Also, consistency is critical if you are a hard gainer. Having small meals in between with high-calorie content is a possible way of increasing your caloric intake in a day.

Add more protein to your diet: Of the three macronutrients, proteins are the most dynamic for muscle repair, and growth and also help your body to build muscle, which is healthier than gaining fat. Easy ways to get more protein include:

•        Trying other foods high in protein, such as tofu, tempeh, lentils, beans, yogurt, and eggs

•        Eating more protein-rich lean meats, such as chicken, turkey, fish, and lean beef and pork

•        Adding protein powder to your smoothies and baked goods

So if you wanted to gain muscle weight with a fast metabolism, it is not as hard as people think. It is as easy as eating more proteins.

These reasons make protein a right-of-way in all your meals if someone is looking to gain more muscle weight than fat.

Carbohydrates are also essential:

In the present scenario where no one wants to consume carbohydrates but the fact of carbohydrates are, should not be completely cut down. When used in the right combination and quantity, they will also play an essential role in gaining some healthy weight.

Carbohydrates will help you heal up after workouts and physical activities that are essential for weight gain. Also, they provide the energy needed for working out. Insufficient carbohydrate levels will make your body utilize your muscle proteins and fats to fuel your workouts and activities.

You want to focus more on complex carbohydrates found in food like rice, bread, and vegetables. They are slow-acting and provide minerals essential for your health. They are, therefore, also important when it comes to gaining healthy weight.

Focus on healthy Snacking: According to Columbia University Irving Medical Center if someone is trying to gain weight with a high metabolic rate, try adding some nutrient-rich snacks or healthy snacks to their diet to meet up their daily caloric intake can help you gain weight.

Suggested snacks:

  • Whole-wheat toast with one heaping spoon of nut butter
  • An apple with slices of hard cheese
  • Full-fat Greek yogurt topped with berries, nuts, and seeds.

Eat calorie Dense Food, intentionally: The University of California San Francisco suggested eating calorie-dense foods that are still healthy. It is not only about eating calories, but also about consuming the right amount of calories. Try to eat a lot of-full bowl of rice, bread, parathas/rotis, or pasta with every meal as these foods are rich in carbohydrates. This gives your body quick, available energy. Differentially to what the name suggests, ‘fats’ don’t help you put on weight, as much as carbohydrates do.

Get Help: Overcoming with high metabolism is not that easy, and may even seem like too much to take for one person. Mention your goals to a family member or friend and also to your health experts. This external support can help you stay accountable and may even help you think of out-of-the-box solutions.

How to exercise to gain weight with high metabolism?

Yes, being physically active burns calories, because gaining weight is not just about what and how much you eat. Your exercise routines are an important part of a healthy lifestyle that ensures you gain a healthy weight. So you should still aim to be active while gaining weight.

Some exercises can help you build muscle mass, which can help with weight gain.

–        Deadlifts

–        Pull-up

–        Barbell lunge

–        Standing shoulder press

–        Bent over row

–        Chest press

The advice of the American Council on Exercise (ACE) by limit cardio workouts for the time being. According to the ACE, too much cardio can limit your potential for muscle growth.

Which physical activity you are doing, going hard in the gym can burn a ton of calories, which just means you will have to eat more to ensure you can still gain weight. Keep track of your workouts and calorie intake so you get the correct balance. Don’t over-exercise.

Foods for Gaining Weight with a Fast Metabolism

Gaining weight with a high metabolism is easier when you consume energy-dense foods with lots of protein.

Your meal routines play a very important role to gain weight. Its matters if you eat smaller meals more often with more calories. Your whole day intake is most important – muscle gains happen over weeks, not just days.

There is certain food which mentions below to gain weight fast – without compromising food quality. You should keep faith in a few key food groups to make up the heap of your diet, and then you can experiment with energy-dense foods, mass gainers, and other personal preferences on the top of these core healthy food choices.

1.       Whole grains: Carbohydrate sources are the perfect example of balanced calories and nutrient content. Things like oats, brown rice, whole grain pasta, and bread are perfect for bringing more carbohydrates and calories to your diet.

2.       Beans and pulses: Any diet should include beans, lentils, and other legumes which provide mixed nutrients with plenty of protein, carbohydrates, fats, and micronutrients.

3.       Milk, fruit juices, and smoothies: You can get extra calories from liquids if you are struggling to eat enough food or have a poor appetite. Easy gains, in moderation.

4.       Processed dairy products: Greek yogurt is the most popular cultured dairy product along with this cottage cheese and hard cheeses both offer plenty of benefits. Like they are rich in protein, healthy fats, and essential micronutrients, these are great choices for gaining weight with a high metabolism.

5.       Dried fruit (and starchy fruits): Dried nuts and berries are perfect snacks for weight gain, while starchy fruits (like bananas) offer a simple source of carbohydrates with a superabundance of extra nutrients.

6.       Nut butter: They are rich in calories and fats, with some protein. Natural nut butter is an easy calorie source, and pairs perfectly with other options like shakes, bars, and fruit.

7.       Lean meats: Adding lean meat to your diet means adding more protein per gram and having space for more food on the side. Couplet with good carbohydrates and veggies. You are going to get a good amount of muscle-building nutrients.

8.       Seafood: Fish and seafood are the most important protein source – perfect for the human body and overall health in every way because these are rich in protein and healthy fats (especially Omega-3s).

9.       Protein shakes: A starting point for mass gainer shakes and other high-calorie drinks to beat low-appetite. It is an easy way to get more protein in your diet.

10.     Homemade protein bars: Oats, honey, cocoa, and protein powder with the help of these ingredients you can make protein-rich bulking bars at home.

High metabolism symptoms

Before explaining about symptoms of high metabolism, it is more important to understand what is metabolism?

Metabolism is identified as all the chemical processes which happen in the human body. It means no matter whether you are doing something or not, your body is always functioning or working and utilizing the energy. This energy comes from the food and liquid you consume. Metabolism controls how much of the energy your body uses. Its speed is known as metabolic rate, which is the rate at which your body burns calories in a given time.

Metabolism is divided into two processes: anabolism and catabolism. Anabolism is known as constructive metabolism; it works to store energy, support new cells, and maintain body tissues and also helps in forming complex molecules. Catabolism is the opposite of the anabolism known as destructive metabolism, it means to break down complex molecules to fuel which energizes the body to move, and produce heat. As per the Cleveland Clinic, both of these processes are regulated by hormones such as adrenaline, estrogen, testosterone, and insulin.

Metabolism consists of:

  • Basal metabolic rate (BMR) –It is the process where a minimum amount of calories the body burns by not doing any physical activity – just breathing, heart pumping, brain ticking, and maintaining your body temperature. This minimum amount of physical activity the body does to stay alive.
  • Thermic effect of food (TEF) – the number of calories the body burns while it is digesting and processing food.
  • Thermic effect of exercise (TEE) – the number of calories the body burns during exercise.
  • Non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) – is the number of calories the body burns while doing activities other than exercise. This includes moving around, fidgeting, changing your posture, and standing.

Symptoms of high metabolism:

Having a high metabolism can be a sign of an underlying thyroid condition so always make sure to get a complete checkup, together with testing your hormone levels, in case you are not feeling well overall.

With this there are some symptoms of high metabolism is also listed here:

  • Difficulty in weight gain: If you are intentionally not losing weight or not cutting in your calorie intake but you are seeing a drop on your weighing scale is a definite sign of having a high metabolism. It is the most common sign of high metabolism when the person is facing difficulty in weight gain or even maintenance.
  • Feeling hot and sweaty often- If someone suddenly starts feeling hot and sweaty in their initial stage of exercise with less strain. It shows that your metabolism has begun working at a much faster and more powerful rate. Unless you are not dealing with specific sweating-related issues, this is simply showing a person experiencing high metabolism
  • Feeling hungry often throughout the day- If you are feeling hungrier more than usual and your appetite seems to be on the top of the roof, it might be a sign of a fast metabolism. Since your body runs with high metabolism whatever calorie you ingest very quickly and you often feel hungry throughout the day. Sometimes, increased hunger can be a sign of an underlying condition (such as stress, pregnancy, menopause, etc).
  • Increased Energy- Our body processes and breaks down the food for fuel the way it processes refers to metabolism. This is why some people feel sluggish while others feel hyperactive. If your is fast then you naturally have increased energy.


Some people push hard their self to burn more calories. Maybe they are bigger (obese), more active, or eat those foods that convert more energy into heat (such as protein). But a lot of skinny people are trying hard to gain weight. They do not just have high metabolisms, they also have adaptive metabolisms. When they eat more calories, their bodies burn more calories, canceling out their all attempts to gain weight. This is a well-researched and well-documented phenomenon (study, study, study). It is called non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT). And it can be super annoying.

Our ability to burn calories is not limitless this is good news for weight gainers. As our metabolism already burning more calories, so we can respond by eating more calories. If you are not gaining at least a little bit of weight every couple of weeks, then we have to add 200 calories to our diet. If our weight gain stalls again, add another 200 calories. This is the only way to gain weight with a high metabolism.

Even better, once weight gainer reaches their gaining weight goal, they can stop eating in a calorie surplus. Their metabolism will go back to normal, and then there will not need to eat an extra amount of food and calorie forever. They can go back to following your appetite.

Shrishti Tripathi has an experience of 5+ years as a clinical dietician and is a certified diabetes educator. She holds a master’s degree in nutritional sciences from University of Allahabad along with a short term training program certificate in Nutrition & Dietetics from AIIMS New Delhi. She is currently practicing as a ‘consulting nutritionist’ in one of the leading HealthCare service providers in India. She has managed weight and transformation of over 200 clients and has published over 10 articles on the subject of Nutrition and health. You can also follow her on instagram.

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