Reverse BMI Calculator

What Is A Reverse BMI Calculator

You can use the Reverse BMI Calculator to figure out how much weight you need to put on to reach a certain BMI. In order to be in a healthy weight range, your ideal BMI should fall within that range.

In order to really comprehend the Reverse BMI calculator, we must first understand BMI, which stands for body mass index.

reverse bmi calculator

What is Body Mass Index (BMI)?

A person’s weight and height are used to calculate their BMI, which is an estimation of their body fat percentage. Using this method, you can find out whether or not an individual is of a healthy weight.

Using BMI as a metric for body fat percentage is inaccurate. For an approximation of fat mass, however, it employs a formula (weight kg divided by square of height m)

How Much Should I Walk According To My BMI Calculator

The most convenient way to get your daily dose of exercise is to go for a walk. The only thing you’ll need is a pair of comfortable shoes, and you’re ready to go! In preference of more expensive gym memberships or the well-known Couch to 5K jogging programmes, it’s a terrific approach to get to your ideal BMI.

In order to get a healthy body mass index (BMI), how much walking per day should you do to lose weight?

Walking 5 miles a day is the optimum weight loss goal. The equivalent of one pound of fat will be burned off in a week by doing this.

Gradually increase your daily walking distance to 5 miles. Calorie expenditure will be increased if your BMI is high and you are overweight. Weight loss can be achieved by walking a few miles a day.
You don’t have to walk five miles in a row to get the job done. The journey can be broken up into two or three shorter walks if you’re short on time.

Walking, when done quickly, is almost as effective as running at burning calories. If you haven’t run since high school, a walking for weight loss programme is a more manageable option.

Is Walking Enough to Help You Lose Weight?

A calorie deficit is the key to losing weight. To lose one pound of fat, you’ll need a calorie deficit of 3500. You have the option of either dieting or putting on your walking shoes and going for a walk to do this.

For weight loss, how Far Should You Walk?

Even while it’s easier to erase the weight loss benefits of walking by rewarding yourself with high-calorie sweets, in practise, food is more important than exercise when it comes to losing weight. After your walk, avoid stopping at a cafe for a cappuccino and a piece of cake!

For me, working out over dieting is a no-brainer. Women should consume about 2000 calories per day, while men should consume about 2500.

To lose one pound every week, I’d have to reduce my daily caloric intake by 500 calories. A quarter of my daily calorie intake comes from sugar, and it’s the reason all of my diets have failed. It makes me crave food so much that I can’t stop eating.

The food you eat isn’t going to be ignored here. It’s the most common cause of weight gain. On a daily basis, the majority of people consume more calories than they expend. If you want to lose weight while walking, you’ll still have to avoid foods high in calories, such as donuts, M&Ms, hamburgers, and cakes.

The shortfall you’ll need to lose weight will be met by walking.

You can lose weight by doing two things: eating a healthy diet rich in whole grains and fresh produce, as well as legumes and nuts and seeds in moderation, and getting out and walking.

Do you know how much weight you can lose just by walking?

Most people can achieve their weight loss goal of one pound every week. Permanent weight loss may not sound like a lot, but it’s the goal.

Maintaining a diet that you can keep to and burn fat instead of just losing water weight. As soon as you discontinue a diet, you start piling on the pounds.

In the beginning, if you’re starting off with walking to lose weight, you’ll drop more than one pound every week. Walking burns more calories for heavier people.

To begin, make sure your weight loss goal is reasonable and depending on your BMI, aim for your ideal normal weight.

How Much Weight Can You Lose By Doing This Calculation?

This chart gives you an idea of how many calories you may expect to burn every hour if you walk at a moderate pace. Most people burn between 80 and 100 calories walking a mile, although this varies widely based on a variety of factors, including body weight, gender, level of fitness, and speed.

Weight2.0 mph (3.2 kpg)2.5 mph (4.0 kpg)3.0 mph (4.8 kpg)3.5 mph (5.6 kpg)4.0 mph (6.4 kpg)
120 pounds (55 kg)150155180220260
150 pounds (68 kg)160170200245285
180 pounds (82 kg)175185215265310
210 pounds (95 kg)190200235290335
240 pounds (109 kg)200220255310360
270 pounds (123 kg)220235270335390
300 pounds (136 kg)230250290360415

For the above table weight and height are taken into account when calculating calories burned. Allow 20 percent more for guys.

If you keep to the daily calorie intake of 2000 for women and 2500 for men while walking five miles a day, you can expect to lose one pound per week. You can get a more accurate estimate by using this calculator instead of this one. You burn more calories if you are young and male. When it comes to being older and female, life is miserable!

One pound a week may not sound like a lot, but if you lose 10 pounds in 10 weeks, that’s a lot. Weight loss that lasts a lifetime. Lose the weight and keep it off for the long term, not the short term.

How Much Walking Do I Have To Do Every Day To Lose Weight?

This will all rely on what you want to achieve in life.. I’m a big fan of the “something is better than nothing” philosophy. Just getting out of the house and putting on your running shoes will have a positive impact on your overall health and fitness.

Regular physical activity is the key to good health. If you’ve never worked out before, committing to walking one mile a day is a smart place to start.

If you’re tracking your steps with a step counter, you can turn them into miles and calories burned.

Walk a Mile Every Day

If you’re also working on your diet, walking one mile a day will help you lose between 560 to 700 calories a week.

Obviously, the more the merrier. If you can walk 5 miles a day, you’ll burn between 2,800 and 3,500 calories a day, which is enough to meet your one-pound-a-week objective. Just don’t give yourself a sticky treat for working out every day. That’s a great strategy to ensure gradual weight loss!

Every Day, walk 5 miles

As long as you give it some attention, you can include 5 miles of exercise into your daily routine. If you walk at a moderate speed, it will take you about 85 minutes. Take the stairs or get off a few stations earlier on your way to work to save money. Take a stroll at lunch or leave your car at home when you go to the store to buy something to eat. It isn’t necessary to complete your five-mile run in one sitting.

Every day, I find that going for a walk or a run helps up my spirits and gives me more energy when I go back to work. In other words, practise makes perfect. Moving more frequently will become second nature once you’ve become used to it.

Based on your BMI, how much walking should you do each day?

Calculate your ideal BMI by comparing your present weight to your ideal BMI. Following the Fat Buster Walking Challenge, one week equals one pound of lost weight.

Keep repeating Week 9 of the walking challenge, walking 5 miles a day, until you reach your weight loss goals.

Walking is a pastime that most people like. Walking becomes a permanent habit for them because they enjoy the benefits to their bodily and mental health it provides. Ending the Fat Buster challenge doesn’t mean you must quit walking.


You’ll notice a significant improvement in your physical and mental well-being if you pair your walking for weight loss programme with a sensible food regimen. If you decide to take the fat buster walking challenge, please let me know how it goes.