Ingrown Hair Vs Herpes – What Is The Difference?

Red warning signs may appear if you get strange pimples and blisters in your genital region. Could this be herpes? Is it simply an ingrown hair, though? You can use this guide to understand the difference of ingrown hair vs herpes.

ingrown hair vs herpes

Identification of a herpes sore

Herpes is a virus that is spread through contact with herpes sores, which can occur if a person kisses someone who has oral herpes or has sex with someone who has genital herpes.

The herpes virus remains in the body indefinitely and occasionally reactivates, generating painful blisters that leak.

While clinicians frequently distinguish between oral herpes (HSV-1) and genital herpes (HSV-2), oral herpes can be transmitted to the genitals, typically through oral intercourse with an infected individual who is experiencing an outbreak.(Trusted source)

Herpes symptoms are minor in most persons, and future outbreaks are less severe after the initial epidemic. Herpes may be more hazardous in those with compromised immune systems and certain chronic conditions.

A pregnant woman may also be at danger of spreading an active virus to the baby during vaginal birth, so anyone who suspects they have herpes should get tested.

Herpes has no cure, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Antiviral medication, on the other hand, can reduce the severity and frequency of outbreaks. It may also minimise the chances of someone sharing the illness to others.

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Herpes Symptoms Include:

  • a collection of watery lesions or blister-like sores
  • bumps usually less than 2 millimetres in size
  • repeatedly developing these blisters
  • yellow discharge if the sore ruptures
  • potentially touchable sores
  • headache
  • fever

Some herpes patients never exhibit any symptoms of the virus. The virus may stay in your body for years without causing any symptoms. However, in the first year after receiving the virus, some people could have frequent outbreaks.

The first infection phase may also bring on a fever and a general sense of being unwell. Future outbreaks will probably see milder symptoms.

ingrown hair

How To Spot A Razor Bump Or Ingrown Hair

Hair normally grows up and out of the hair follicle. However, sometimes the hair curls into the follicle, causing it to develop beneath the skin. This downward growth can irritate the skin and create inflammation, resulting in red and painful blisters known as pseudofolliculitis barbae.

Although ingrown hairs can occur in anyone, they are more common in persons who cut their hair, particularly those who shave it.

Ingrown hairs can become infected and cause severe pain and even scars in some people. Bacteria from other parts of the body can sometimes get into ingrown hairs, creating painful infections that can cause fever and other symptoms of disease.

Red, tender lumps in your vaginal region are sometimes brought on by an ingrown hair. Small bumps and blisters in the vaginal area can also result from razor burn, a bothersome skin abrasion that can arise after shaving.

In most cases, hair can penetrate the skin as it develops. The hair can occasionally become blocked or grow in an odd direction. It can have a hard time penetrating your skin’s surface. An ingrown hair results from this.

Ingrown hair symptoms include:

  • Solitary pimples or single sores
  • Little red lumps
  • Lumps with a pimple-like appearance
  • Itching
  • Sensitivity around the bump
  • Soreness and inflammation
  • If the sore is pinched or ruptures, it will produce white pus.

Ingrown hairs in the vaginal region can become more common if you wax, shave, or pluck your hair, but some hairs simply grow in odd directions. Ingrown hairs can therefore appear at any time.

A clogged hair follicle may get infected. Because of this, some ingrown hairs produce surface pimples filled with white pus. Additional inflammation and soreness may be brought on by the infection.

Ingrown hairs often manifest as localised sores or lumps, unlike genital herpes. They do not develop in groups or clusters. There could be several ingrown hairs present at once. This is more likely following a waxing or shaving of the hair surrounding your penis or vagina.

You might spot a shadow or thin line in the centre of an ingrown hair if you look at it attentively. Frequently, it is that hair that is the trouble. Don’t discount the chance of an ingrown hair just because you can’t see this line or shadow, as not all ingrown hairs are apparent from the outside.

When an ingrown hair is removed or breaks through the skin, the sore usually goes away on its own and disappears.

Main Differences between Ingrown Hair And Herpes

  • While distinguishing between an ingrown hair and a herpes blister can be difficult at times, an ingrown hair will usually have a little dark dot or visible hair at the centre.
  • There will be no dark patches in the core of a herpes blister.
  • Both can be fluid-filled, unpleasant, and crimson at the edges.
  • Ingrown hairs frequently have scaly flaky skin on the bump’s surface, whereas herpes blisters do not.
  • If you are unsure what caused a blister on or near your genitals, a healthcare physician can perform a quick examination and possibly order basic lab tests to discover the reason.

Ingrown Hair Vs Herpes – Visit A Doctor

Within a few days or a week, an ingrown hair will usually go away on its own. When you take a shower, gently wash the affected area to assist remove any dead skin cells. If you do this, the hair may be able to penetrate the skin.

The accompanying symptoms will also go away as a result of this. Don’t give in to the urge to squeeze the pustule. You run the risk of scarring or worsening the infection.

Similar to this, genital warts could go away by themselves after a few days or weeks. But they’ll probably come back. Herpes breakouts might occur frequently for some persons and rarely for others.

You should consult a doctor if you can’t figure out what’s causing your genital bumps or if they don’t go in two weeks.

How To Obtain A Proper Diagnosis

Even for skilled medical professionals, it might be challenging to identify between these common lumps at times. To make a diagnosis, they could employ one or more medical tests.

You can have a blood test to see if you have HSV. To rule out other potential causes, your doctor might do a comprehensive STI screening test. Your doctor might consider alternative theories if these tests are negative. These include cysts, clogged oil glands, and ingrown hairs.

But keep in mind that pimples in the vaginal area can frequently be caused by ingrown hairs. If you are worried, consult your doctor. Your anxiety may be reduced thanks to them.


It is tempting to fear when a rash appears suddenly, especially if it is painful or itchy.

There is, however, no necessity to attempt to self-diagnose the problem. A doctor can determine the difference between herpes and ingrown hairs and can recommend treatments for both.

I write about all the fun stuff which excites me like health, news, dogs.

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