How To Treat Small Cavity On Molar At Home

Have you seen any little, dark spots on your teeth? Did you brush them off as stains? They could be more than simply stains; they could be early indicators of dental decay which usually are small cavity on molar at the beginning.

The bacteria in our mouth consume the sugar and starch in our diet to produce acid, which kills our teeth. The small spot can quickly grow into a large hole, causing agony and, if not treated promptly, you may lose your tooth. Cavities, often known as dental caries, are a frequent term for this decay. Cavities can be avoided by brushing and flossing your teeth properly.

What Factors Contribute to Small Cavity On Molar?

There are several bacteria in the mouth, some of which are beneficial to us while others are harmful. These dangerous microorganisms are to blame for tooth decay or small cavity on molar. The bacteria build a film (plaque) and help to produce acid from the food you eat, primarily from sugars and carbohydrates. This produced acid corrodes the teeth, resulting in rotting. Our teeth are constantly losing and regaining minerals as part of a natural process. If we do not adequately care for our teeth, we lose more minerals than we can replace, resulting in tooth decay.

Symptoms of Small Cavity On Molar

If you suspect that you have cavities, there are a few things you should look out for.

Small Cavity symptoms include:

  • Stains on the teeth’s surface They might be white or brown in colour.
  • You may notice a cavity in your tooth.
  • When you eat anything sweet, cold, or spicy, you may experience sensitivity.
  • The tooth hurts (known as toothache)
  • Due to infection, you may get a temperature as well as facial edoema.

Home Remedies for Small Cavity On Molar

The greatest tip to avoid tooth decay is to take care of them by practising good oral hygiene. All of the solutions listed here are designed to keep your teeth healthy and prevent the creation of cavities. Here are a few home cures for better and healthier teeth.

  1. Oil Extraction
    Oil pulling is an Ayurvedic technique that aids in the maintenance of oral hygiene. In one of several studies, it was discovered that oil pulling reduces the amount of germs in the mouth and minimises plaque production, potentially preventing tooth decay in the long term. In this technique, a small amount of pure coconut oil, sesame oil, or sunflower oil (ideally cold-pressed) is swabbed about the mouth to ensure that all the teeth are covered. This technique should be performed on an empty stomach in the morning before brushing your teeth. Despite the fact that further research on the benefits of oil pulling is needed, it is being followed across.

  2. Amla
    Amla is a herb that is widely utilised in Ayurvedic medicine. It is a fruit that can be used as a decoction and for mouthwash because it is recognised to be beneficial to oral health. Not only that, but we can consume a small amount of Amla on a regular basis to reap its long-term dental advantages. Amla may help prevent tooth decay since it helps preserve healthy teeth.

  3. Licorice or Liquorice
    Liquorice is also known as Yashtimadhu (Sanskrit), or mulethi. In recent years, researchers have conducted substantial research on the benefits of liquorice. One such study discovered that liquorice has bioactive components that are efficient in killing the bacteria Streptococcus mutans or S. mutans, which causes tooth decay. 5 As a result, liquorice may help to prevent tooth decay. We can also consume the root of licorice to safeguard our teeth from cavities.

  4. Aloe Vera Gel
    Aloe vera gel has numerous applications. Because of the presence of bioactive chemicals, it possesses anti-microbial (germ-killing) and anti-inflammatory (inflammation-reducing) qualities. According to one study, aloe vera gel effectively kills and eliminates bacteria (S. mutans and Lactobacillus spp.) that are known to play a role in cavity formation (dental caries). Aloe vera gel may thus prevent the tooth from decay. It can be utilised by preparing juice and drinking it on a daily basis. It can also be used as toothpaste to brush teeth on a daily basis to reap its benefits.

  5. Green Tea
    Green tea has anti-bacterial characteristics, therefore it is thought to reduce the number of bacteria in the mouth that might cause cavities. It also has a high fluoride content. Fluoride is a substance that helps teeth replenish minerals and hence protects them from decay. In animal models, researchers discovered that green tea inhibits caries (is anti-cariogenic). It could be owing to the presence of certain chemicals, which have anti-bacterial properties. Human studies have proved equivocal, therefore further research is needed to reach a conclusion. Green tea can be consumed as a beverage by brewing a hot cup of green tea using its leaves or a teabag.

  6. Clove Essential Oil
    An experiment was carried out in order to determine the effect of clove oil on tooth decay by preventing decalcification (loss of minerals from teeth). In this study, it was discovered that clove oil-treated teeth lost less mineral when exposed to acids, which can ruin teeth. Its function in preventing tooth decay may be similar to that of fluoride. More research is needed to verify that it can be used to prevent tooth decay in humans. Clove oil is a frequent ingredient in several types of toothpaste. You can use it by putting a few drops of clove oil into your toothpaste and brushing your teeth twice a day with this paste.
  1. Oil of Oregano
    Oregano oil is a type of essential oil. It has the ability to eliminate numerous microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi. As a result, its ability to fight tooth rotting bacteria was investigated in a study. This study found that adding oregano oil to toothpaste that was already effective at eliminating bacteria doubled its effectiveness. As a result, it aids in the prevention of tooth decay. 9 You can brush your teeth with oregano oil mixed with ordinary toothpaste on a daily basis.

  2. Cinnamon Essential Oil
    The action of the oil from one of the cinnamon species, Cinnamomum cassia (Chinese cinnamon), was also examined in the same study indicated above. Cinnamon oil’s antibacterial action was noticeable. As a result, cinnamon oil could be utilised to prevent tooth cavities. You can use this oil in the same way by combining it with toothpaste and brushing your teeth on a daily basis.

When Should You Seek Medical Attention?

You should consult a dentist if:

  • You’ve noticed gum bleeding.
  • Your face swells up.
  • You are experiencing mouth or tooth ache.
  • You observe indications of infection (redness, swelling and pain)
  • You have difficulty chewing


Keeping your teeth clean is the best method to keep them from being affected by tooth decay. Cavities form when bacteria in your mouth use food particles left behind from incorrect cleaning to produce acid, which damages your teeth. You may notice a cavity and feel sensitivity and pain. An infection of the teeth and mouth is also possible.

A few home remedies, like as oil pulling, clove oil, aloe vera gel, and green tea, can help prevent the formation of cavities. However, if you have a cavity, pain, swelling, symptoms of infection, bleeding from your gums, or difficulty biting, you should see your dentist. Prevention is always preferable to cure, and you can achieve this by simply practising good oral hygiene. So, let us make certain that we can care for our teeth and keep them from decaying.


I have black holes in my teeth, what should I do? Is this typical?
No. Tooth decay can cause black holes in your teeth. To be sure, check with your dentist.

Can brushing my teeth make my rot disappear?
No. Tooth brushing will not help your decay go. It can, however, prevent tooth decay.

Is clove oil toothpaste safe for your teeth?
Yes. Many studies have indicated that clove oil works similarly to fluoride in preventing tooth decay. More research is needed to be certain.

Is green tea good for your teeth?
Yes. Green tea contains a high fluoride concentration as well as anti-bacterial characteristics, all of which are proven to help prevent tooth decay.

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