Does Pinch Method For Diabetes Work?

The Pinch Method for Diabetes is an age-old treatment from Chinese medicine that still has some validity today. Diabetes and high blood pressure are two of its intended uses. Diabetics can use this strategy to control their blood sugar levels because it is so straightforward.

The rapid rise in blood glucose levels caused by diabetes can lead to a number of serious problems, including kidney failure, blindness, and heart attacks, depending on whether the body’s cells respond correctly to insulin.

pinch method for diabetes

Although there is no cure for diabetes, medicines and lifestyle modifications can halt or even reverse its course. Complementary approaches, such as the “pinch method,” are advocated by certain diabetics as an additional tool for managing their condition.

Self-acupressure can be practiced with a pinch method. Theoretically, if you pinch yourself, your blood sugar will be quickly reset. Complementary and alternative medicine circles and those looking for simple solutions to control their blood sugar are familiar with the concept.

It is hoped that a short squeeze of the finger may activate insulin production and improve glucose utilization. When your blood sugar is too high, you can use this remedy on a regular basis.

The Pinch Method For Diabetes and its benefits will be discussed in detail, as well as how to utilize it.
Dr. Liu developed the Pinch Method for Diabetes in the early twentieth century, based on traditional Chinese medicine principles.

What Is The Pinch Method For Diabetes?

In order to stimulate a point on the meridians called Yin Tang, located between the two tendons within each wrist, this technique entails holding the thumb and index finger of one hand just above the wrist of the other.

Acupuncturists use the Yin Tang meridian point to treat conditions related to the pancreas. In addition to releasing insulin into the bloodstream, this site also breaks down glucose for use as fuel.

Diabetes and high blood pressure are among the conditions this approach was designed to treat. People who did not have diabetes were also treated with this procedure because it helped break up fat cells and prevent obesity.

Advantages Of The Pinch Method For Diabetes

  • This method is extremely easy to use and requires only a small amount of time and effort to implement. With the thumb and index finger of one hand simultaneously pressing on the wrist for about 20-30 seconds (if you touch right on center, it can be done in less than 10 seconds), the release of insulin in addition to its function of breaking down glucose into energy can be elicited, which can be done in less than 10 seconds.
  • It has the ability to get your blood sugar levels back to normal.
  • It raises insulin levels in the bloodstream, making it easier for your body to take glucose into cells.
  • It is a simple and effective way to keep your blood sugar levels in check.
  • You’ll have a more stable mood and a greater ability to deal with stress. With this treatment, the estrogen’s levels of pituitary illness patients were reduced significantly. Women who utilize this strategy tend to have fewer mood swings and hormone issues as a result of this method.
  • When your body is able to utilize glucose as a source of energy, it can contribute to weight loss by reducing the creation of glucose (the main energy source for fat cells).

Is there a risk of diabetes complications from using the pinch method?

Using this strategy is completely risk free. You can use it at any time, even before and after a meal if you choose. Pinching one’s wrist is a frequent way to cope with anxiety or tension.

Because there are no needles or light touch involved in this procedure, there are no hazards associated with its use as long as it is done in moderation under the supervision of a responsible adult.

What Is The Pinch Method For Type 2?

Pinch approach may be useful if you have type 2 diabetes, but it may also be beneficial to combine it with other health-related measures. Using the pinch method in conjunction with other healthy habits can help keep blood sugar levels in balance.

Other health benefits include a decreased risk of heart disease and a reduction in cholesterol levels as a result of this approach.

A 10-Second Blood Sugar Control Ritual

  • Pinch the two wrist points with two fingers of your opposing hand to activate the pinch point.
  • Pinching should be done with your thumb and index finger in a right angle position (like if you were pointing at someone).
  • Keep your thumb on one finger and your index finger on the other while you’re doing this (you can use your other hand to test which finger is being squeezed).
  • Take a deep breath and hold it for 20-30 seconds
  • Hold your breath for around ten seconds.
  • 20-30 seconds later, repeat the process
  • Then allow yourself to take a few breaths.

Your blood sugar level should return to normal after a few cycles of this medication.

For Diabetes, What Is Dr. McMullin’s Pinch Method?

This approach was developed by Dr. McMullin, and it has proven to be quite effective in decreasing blood sugar.
For about 20-30 seconds, you need to pinch the wrist with your thumb and finger. While doing the pinch, you must also grip onto something.

Because of its simplicity and efficacy, this method can be used by anyone. One of the reasons this approach works is because it raises insulin levels, which lowers blood glucose levels.

Type 2 Diabetes Alternative Treatment Options

First and foremost, you should eat a nutritious diet and limit your intake of simple carbs (sugars). You should also work out on a regular basis. Type 2 diabetes and pre-diabetes can sometimes be prevented from advancing to full-blown diabetes by diet and exercise alone.

Medications and other forms of treatment are often necessary for diabetics in order to keep their condition under control. It might be difficult to maintain a balanced diet on your own, so you should always seek the assistance of a dietician.

In addition to these, other therapies for type 2 diabetes include:


Some people with type 2 diabetes require additional insulin, but this is not universal. After a period of time with the condition, some may require it. Pregnancy and hospitalizations may also need the use of insulin.


For diabetics, this is the most commonly recommended oral drug, though it can also be taken in liquid form. This medication, which is in the biguanide family, is effective at improving insulin sensitivity and lowering blood glucose levels.

Other drugs are also available

  • Sulfonylureas, DPP-4 inhibitors, and incretin mimics—help your body create more insulin by increasing insulin sensitivity.
  • Premarin and Starlix—Meglitinides³—increase insulin production when you eat food.
  • Thiazolidinediones—help your cells use glucose, reducing insulin resistance.
  • Inhibitors of Alpha-Glucosidase—slow the digestion of sugar by the body
  • Your kidneys can produce more urine when you take SGLT2 inhibitors.
  • Pills that combine more than one of the following medicines to make your treatment regimen more manageable are known as combination medications.

In the event that metformin is insufficient or unsuitable for a patient’s needs, alternative medications may be prescribed. The less medication you take to treat your diabetes, the better off you will be.


Some people claim that self-acupressure technique known as the “pinch method” can drop and stabilise blood sugar levels in a matter of minutes. However, there is no proof that it works. Despite the fact that it isn’t hazardous in and of itself, hyperglycemia treatment can be delayed.

There is a possibility that the placebo effect is at work if it does work for some people.

In order to successfully manage long-term blood sugar, there is a sort of self-acupressure that requires training and practise. This method’s efficacy necessitates additional research.

Diabetic treatment plans personalized by your doctor are the best way to deal with blood sugar increases in the majority of the cases.

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